
Thursday, October 9, 2014

❤MY guity pleassure diet secrets❤ SECRET DIET RECIPE*:・゚✧

hey guys, its me today and im here to share with you my favourite recipe of the month:

                                      *:・゚✧ BANANUTELLA MILSHAKE*:・゚✧
this is one of the most amazing discoveries it keeps me full and its just wanna know how to? keep on reading

SO HOW TO i dont have athe exact measurements because i throw everything in so yea lets start shall we

*:・゚✧1 frozen banana
*:・゚✧ some ice
*:・゚✧about 3 cups of milk
*:・゚✧a handful of oats
*:・゚✧some crushed almonds
*:・゚✧2 tablespoons of honey
*:・゚✧A LOT OF NUTEELLAAA ( dont go to crazy on this one)
 so those ingredients just need to be plopped into the blender and blend blend blend it was so good it made three servings and i had a slight change in my weight

after this milkshake , you can excersise too
dont forget beauty is from within so long my dollies see u on my next post bye<3

         x                                                   (●´ω`●)                                         x

Friday, July 4, 2014


Hi guys omg hahahah this is basically an apology...
im so freaking sorry i didnt update my blog haha its because i have not enough time, im trying really hard to get a grip at school┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

i have been a really lazy bum lately and im trying really hard to change myself into a studying type of person. yknow when i try to study my body becomes weak and i will eventually doze off after a few attempts. My friends get really curious because i always score for my exams and i dont actually study!!! im serious! i triend really hard. u know alhamdulillah because maybe Allah S.W.T has given me this gift but im really tryin。゜(`Д´)゜。(ps: im supposed to do my essays right now AND HERE I AM BLOGGING)(well, if u think of it is kinda like writing an essay right hahahahahahah

hahahahaha ok well its not that secret ok but this is what i do now (i think im going to change the attitude but yea here we gooooooo)
so yea first of all is for ya playfull and not hardworking students hahahah yeaaaaa
last minute studiers yup yup i know thats not a word but who cares right?
so when u take ur exams and reaaaaaaallly dont have time anymore just flip the book and read out the points thats what i do. if u can understand it its better. do u know why i neever score my maths THIS IS WHY i never freaking practice but im really trying here pffftftfftftftftfttf

hahahaha ok i once had my sejarah paper tomorrow and i havent read a single freaking thing so this is what i did
 i think u will call me crazy but that night i switched on my lappytoppy and brang out three reference books yeaaaappp can u guess what i did? CAN U? YEAP 10 POINTS TO YOU DING DING( i really have to stop with my freaking lame ass jokes and its not even a joke ( i tak buat lawak tau)
yea.... i went on youtube and open a bab1 sejarah video and the three books i open bab2,bab3, and bab4 yeaaa call me crazy hahahahah
so yea i think thats it sorry it wasnt really a secret though but yknow what follow my blog!! ill ramble more make fun stuff enlighten u with my sassy world and BE HAPPY TOGETHER hahahaah ok thats it i guess guys, my comy is getting a low batt so yea thats for all now see ya 

:****** muahmuah

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Heyyyy peeps!!! Today in TWEAKING TUESDAYS *plays legendary background music* hahahah i'm gonna show you how to get pinker lips in minutessssss


Healthy lips are sexxyyy dontcha think? hahhahah ok guys, we all know that natural healthy lips are pink lips, but do you know that the lips tend to get dark because of exposureee. In malaysia, we live in a very tropical weather, WE ARE SO EXPOSED TO THE SUNNN. the sun is also the number one cause for darker lips and skin ofc... so here i am going to teach u how to cure and prevent from darker looking lips and get your natural colour weeheeee


now this may sound a bit weird for some of you guys out there but exfoliating really helps! i once suffered from dark lips but not anymore, ok the first thing i do in the morning is exfoliating my lips. When im in the shower, i just use my toothbrush do exfoliate my lips by doing circular motionss. You should be gentle! we dont wanna hurt your lips hahah

you could also prepare a SUGAR LIP SCRUB

now this is favvvvvv <3
ok so once in a week take a teaspoon of honey and a bit of sugar
so what are u trying to do here is exfoliate the lips in about 5 mins then you can rinse it or just lick it away no harm done ahah. this will make your lips super duper healthy and plump. it also gives a wickedly cool shade to your lips ;) try it okayyyy


hahahahha this is supah easy remember to always hydrate yourselff drink lots of water. i know im not a water babe myself but i try to drink as much as possible so yea try your best ok gals<3
Next thing is to wear a spf protection  lip balm, this will help the uv rays from damaging your lips once again SUN IS GENERALLLY NOT GOOD FOR YOU its because of the uv rays hahah but the vitamin D is good for you ;)

okay guys thats all for today I PROMISE TO POST OFTEN OK

so yeah

love you sassy chicks out there, stay fabulous xx

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Hi theree cutie pies, my name is Adlin!Im from Malaysia : > on my first post here im just going to talk a teeny bit about myself! (haha i do not promise its teeny though)  im currently 16 right now and i started to have interest in starting up my own fashion blog ! i may be a little slow with trends but i really love unique pieces and fashion statements! So yeah, introduction without further adieu heuehe
  I really love picking up trends from other cultures and give it a twist,my ambition.......i don't know yet hahaha, I have a huge crush on the japanese and korean high street style (not the bizzare ones ofc) haha the cute ones! (ok adlin stop jabbering about fashion talk about yourself) haha ok lets start
  I have a huge obsession with naruto and adventure time hahah is it weird but yea thats what i follow these days spending waaay much time on my ps3 and its really NOT GOOD AT ALL hahaha, but i really love fashion talk, as certain people say "you can never have too much clothes" (should i really put it there is it really necessary hahah i should stop) i blog for fun sake and to inspire teenage girls without having low aelf esteem and no makeup, ok ok i know makep is fine but just pointing out that you don't need makeup to look beautiful :)

I really love to draw and make up new interesting cartoon characters. Wanna see my drawing? hahahaha okok this is Pain from naruto (a freehand first attempt) just check out my deviantart (adlinsyhrh.deviantart) if you wanna know on my current obsessions haha feel free to check my tumblr (
i kinda deactivated my twittah but thats alright haha 

so yeah, i think thats kinda it, you will get to know me more by following me (more posts more me hah) it will be there hahaha so yeah i love you sweeties

stay sassy, peace out pies :* xx 

ASK BOXXX (holla guys feel free to leave requests for whatever that you have in mind) ;)


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